We provide Services to help our users find, coordinate, and maintain the food services for their families.

we do not employ any food Providers and are not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any food Seeker, Provider, or other user of the Site or Services.

Food Seeker and Food Provider content is primarily user generated. We do not control or vet user-generated content for accuracy, and we do not assume and expressly disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information provided by food Providers or food Seekers on or off the Site. We do not assume and expressly disclaim any liability that may result from the use of information provided on our Site.

We do not refer or recommend food Seekers or food Providers nor do we make any representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, or accuracy of the services provided by food Providers or the integrity, responsibility or actions of food Seekers or food Providers whether in public, private or offline interactions. Any screening of a food Seeker or food Provider and his, her or its information by ARK'S is limited and should not be taken as complete, accurate, up-to-date or conclusive of the individual’s or entity’s suitability as an employer or food provider.

We do not control, monitor, supervise, or oversee the quality, timing, hours, pay, legality, or any other aspect of services delivered by food Providers, nor do we require food Providers to accept or work any jobs or deliver any services at all.

We do not provide any medical, diagnostic, treatment or clinical service or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license.

Providers are the responsible to their legal services and tax filing process for their finacials. This site is not responsible for any illegal activities from your side.

Registered Users are solely responsible for interviewing, vetting, performing background and reference checks on, verifying information provided by, and selecting an appropriate Food Seeker or Food Provider for themselves or their family

If customer puchases your items through this site, 5% + $.50 per transaction will be deducted for the payment gateway at the end - For standard merchants, applies to Visa, Mastercard, Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club, and American Express cards, as well as digital wallets. You will be able to redeem the amount after reached $100 threshold margin